
301 Why do patients waiting for hip or knee replacement think physical therapy is a waste of time? Because it didn’t help.

The general rule in medicine, and certainly one that I have professed in the many years of offering non-surgical options to joint pain, is that non-surgical options or conservative care should always be tried first, and, only when these treatments fail, should surgery be explored as a final option. Typically the traditional non-surgical methods of

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301 Hip Tendonitis Injections

People who have tendonitis or bursitis typically are told that they have a problem of inflammation. That is why they have an “itis,” itis meaning inflammation. When they have tendonitis they have inflammation of the tendon. When they have Bursitis, they have inflammation of the bursa. Over the years they have practiced the various remedies

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Tennis Knee and Tennis Hip

Many tennis players take lessons on how to improve their open forehand stance and generate power on the return. As research has shown the open stance forehand is a pretty traumatic service and it can significantly impact the knee and hip. Over time the open forehand stroke can be a contributing factor in the development

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