
301 Research compares PRP injections to steroid injection for back pain

Epidural steroid injections do not heal a bad back. Some researchers consider epidural steroid injections to be, at best, a very short-term painkiller that sometimes prevents a patient from getting the proper treatment for his/her back pain. Epidural steroid injection is the most frequently performed pain procedure. It is becoming clear that epidural steroid injections

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301 Weight loss can help avoid back surgery

When we see a patient in our office who has joint or back pain and they have clear issues of excessive weight, we try to reassure the patient that we understand that it can be difficult to lose weight. We tell them that we are not going to lecture them and that we will try

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301 Lumbar discectomy for Lumbar Disc Herniation

A lumbar discectomy describes a surgical procedure that removes the discs of the spine that are causing you pain and functional difficulties. The surgery can be performed as minimally invasive, smaller incision or as “open” back surgery. No surgery is “easier.” Less invasive simply means the surgical wound is not as large, the surgical procedure

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301 Low back pain treated with stem cell therapy

There are many types, causes and diagnosis of low back pain. Equally there are many types of treatments including many types of surgery. In this article I will discuss with you treatment options including the use of bone marrow aspirate concentrates or commonly bone marrow stem cell therapy for back pain. The different types of

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301 Pain after spinal fusion may be from post-surgical muscle damage

Many people have successful spinal surgery. Some do not. There are many reasons why someone will have a failed spinal surgery. One reason among the many causes can be the muscle damage caused by the fusion surgery itself. Back muscle degeneration in lumbar fusion patients A team of surgeons published a paper (1) examining the

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301 Non-surgical treatment of degenerative disc disease

Over the years we have seen many patients with a long history of back pain. Most of the time it was nondescript back pain and no one was sure what was causing it. The problem, according to some patients, was the MRI did not show enough damage or irregularities to justify an aggressive surgical treatment.

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Prolotherapy back pain injections – 301

Prolotherapy is the injection technique that we still but rarely utilize to help a patient with their back pain. The reason that we rarely use or recommend the treatment to our patients is that of the three regenerative medicine techniques that we use, including Platelet Rich Plasma therapy and stem cell therapy, Prolotherapy or dextrose

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